All of us at Diversified Mortgage Brokers would like to wish you and your family a safe and Happy Halloween. Thank you for being such a valued partner or client. All the Best, Diversified Mortgage Brokers.
Oct 31, 2018 |
I bet you have clients right now that want to purchase a home,BUT there may be some concerns that stand in their way of approval, at least with most lenders. How about a FHA client who has scores down to 580 or less? How about a USDA client with scores do
Don't put off that home purchase: With % rates on the rise along with home prices, and with limited home inventory, now is the time to act. It appears that % rates will continue to increase as long as the economy continues to excel and the home prices
Oct 18, 2018 | GET THAT NEW HOME NOW!
Mortgage lenders love to see borrowers with consistent, steady incomes. But not all borrowers have jobs that send a paycheck every two weeks. Of course there are plenty of self-employed entrepreneurs, but there are also people who are depend on tips for i
Oct 10, 2018 | Purchasing a Home Conventional Loans
In order to achieve the dream of homeownership, many buyers look for creative financing to aid them in their quest. One such option is a piggyback mortgage, which actually involves taking out two separate loans to make homeownership more affordable. These
Sep 12, 2018 | First-time Homebuyers Conventional Loans Preapproval Purchasing a Home
When you are in the market for a mortgage, one of the many decisions you’ll have to make is whether to apply for a fixed-rate loan or an adjustable rate mortgage (ARM). Both can be beneficial, depending on your situation. Learning the difference bet
Aug 15, 2018 | Purchasing a Home Fixed Rate Mortgages Adjustable Rate Mortgages Refinancing a Home