MORE LOAN OPTIONS FOR MORE PEOPLE: There are so many new loan options that allow so many more borrowers the ability to get new home purchases and refinances. How about a 3% down Conventional loan for a first time home buyer? We got it. How about a 1% down Conventional loan for those under $60,300 (and in some Counties in Virginia with no income limits)? We got it. How about a special Lynchburg, Virginia grant that will allow a 10% grant toward the downpayment and /or closing costs for those under $38,600 income for City purchases? We got it. How about bank statement deposits used as income instead of tax return income for those that write off a lot? We got it. How about loan approvals down to 580 credit scores instead of the usual 620/640 scores? We got it. The list goes on and on. This is what Diversified Mortgage Brokers can offer you which allows for more homeowners to get approved for their new homes. Realtors can make more sales and Borrowers can own more homes. The oldest Mortgage Broker in Central Virginia for 30 years is here to help you anywhere in Virginia. Call us at 434-237-3143,Email: dbi4009@aol.com, Web: www.diversifiedmortbrokers.com