Do you REALLY have any idea just how important credit your scores are? In todays world your scores can make or break you when it comes to being approved to buy most anything. There are 3 major credit bureaus and each one is affiliated with a scoring company. Eqifax scores from 300-850, TransUnion scores between 336-843, and Experian scores between 300-900. Your scores are determined by 5 major factors : Payment history comprises 35% of your score, Amounts owed 30%, Length of credit history 15%, Types of credit 15% and New lines of credit 10%. After accounts have been reporting for 12 months + it is much more favorable and having at least 3 open accounts (even showing a $0 bal.) is preferred. The longer you can have since any late payments helps your scores,over 1 year really helps. Stay free from judgments and collections . Pay off the judgments and all collections less than 1 year old but be careful to pay collections older than 1 year. If you can pay your revolving credit below 50% of the high credit, then below 30% and then below 10% adds to your score at each level. DO NOT close these accounts or a negative impact on scores is the result. try to have an installment or mortgage debt along with a revolving debt or two (a nice mix is best). Strive to keep your scores at top levels. GOOD LUCK!. Call DIVERSIFIED MORTGAGE BROKERS for your mortgage needs at 434-237-3143, email: dbi4009@aol.com, Web: www.diversifiedmortbrokers.com . WE EDUCATE AND DELIVER!!!